jeudi 2 février 2017


love.43.gif Check your progress- Keys:

boutons042.gif Crossword puzzle:

boutons042.gif Reporting the dialogue:
1adimd8.gif The reporting verb is in the past:
The journalist said that Earth was being endangered and asked what they should do.The activist replied that they should preserve their natural resources and combat nuclear industry. The former told the activist to tell him about their campaign against nuclear weapons. The latter replied that it was an international campaign and that many NGOs were participating and demonstrating against those mass destruction weapons.The jounalist asked him what mass media should do. The activist suggested he followed their campaign and showed all the damage those weapons were able to cause.

1adimd8.gif The reporting verb is in the present:
The journalist says that Earth is being endangered and asks what they should do.The activist replies that they should preserve their natural resources and combat nuclear industry. The former asks the activist to tell him about their campaign against nuclear weapons. The latter replies that it is an international campaign and that many NGOs are participating and demonstrating against those mass destruction weapons.The jounalist asks him what mass media should do. The activist suggests he follows their campaign and shows all the damage 
those weapons can cause.

boutons042.gif Good news & bad news:

 Reacting to good news
 Reacting to bad news

webmaster-mini-puces-00022.gif Sounds great!

webmaster-mini-puces-00022.gif Superb!

webmaster-mini-puces-00022.gif Great news!

webmaster-mini-puces-00022.gif Really? (with positive intonation)

webmaster-mini-puces-00022.gif Incredible!

webmaster-mini-puces-00022.gif Sorry to hear that!

webmaster-mini-puces-00022.gif My goodness!

webmaster-mini-puces-00022.gif Are you kidding?

webmaster-mini-puces-00022.gif I can't believe it!

webmaster-mini-puces-00022.gif Really? (with negative intonation)

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