jeudi 2 février 2017


love.43.gif Vocabulary:

Brain drain refers to the emigration of skilled profetionals to developed countries. These are some of the reasons behind such emigration:

Brain Drain

boutons042.gif Brain Drain : Pull factors: 
fleche-gif-038.gif Better economic prospects; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Higher salary and income; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Better level of living and way of life; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Better research facilities; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Modern educational system and better chance of advancement 
Prestige of foreign training; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Intellectual freedom. 
fleche-gif-038.gif Better working condition and better employment opportunities; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Relative political stability; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Presence of a rich, scientific and cultural tradition; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Attraction of urban centres; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Availability of experience/supporting staff; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Frequent chances of a lucky break in life; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Technological gap; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Allocation of substantial funds for research; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Greater employment possibilities 
boutons042.gif Brain Drain: Push factors: 
fleche-gif-038.gif Under employment, 
fleche-gif-038.gif Economic under development; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Low wage/salary, 
fleche-gif-038.gif Political instability; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Over production and under utilization or HQM; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Lack of research and other facilities; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Lack of freedom; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Discrimination in appointment and promotion; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Poor working facilities; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Lack of scientific tradition and culture; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Unsuitable institution; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Desire for a better urban life; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Desire for higher qualification and recognition; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Better career expectation; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Lack of satisfactory working conditions. 
fleche-gif-038.gif Low rate of economic growth; 
fleche-gif-038.gif Technologically poor and importer of technology. 

love.43.gif Collocations:

 Brain drain
 Low pay High pay 
 Attract attention
 Developed countries
 High technology
 Skilled workers

love.43.gif Definitions:

Gifs Animés Fleches (28).gifBrain drain:  the situation in which large numbers of educated and very skilled people leave their own country to live and work in another one where pay and conditions are better. (

Gifs Animés Fleches (28).gifPhysician: A person who practises medicine.

Gifs Animés Fleches (28).gifPhysicist: An expert in physics.

Gifs Animés Fleches (28).gifScholar: An educated person who has gained mastery in one or more disciplines.

Gifs Animés Fleches (28).gifIncome: Revenue.

Gifs Animés Fleches (28).gifGain: Obtain something needed or wanted.

Gifs Animés Fleches (28).gifUnderdeveloped: Not yet or fully developed.

Gifs Animés Fleches (28).gifSkilled: Having the ability to peform a task expertly and well.

Gifs Animés Fleches (28).gifUnskilled: Not having special skilled or training.

Gifs Animés Fleches (28).gifTempting: Highly attractive.

love.43.gif Prefixes:

fleche-gif-029.gif inner: between, among: examples: intercontinental; interact; interchange; intercity; intermarry...
fleche-gif-029.gif extra: outside, beyond: examples: extraterrestrial; exraodinary; extracurricular...
fleche-gif-029.gif intra: within, inside: examples: intracellular; intranet...
fleche-gif-029.gif under: less than, insufficient: examples: underpaid; underestimate; undertake...
fleche-gif-029.gif over: excessively, more than: examples: overpopulated; overheat; overwork...
fleche-gif-029.gif super: above, over, beyond: examples: supersonic; superman; supermarket...
fleche-gif-029.gif hyper: above, over, excessive: examples: hypersensitive; hypertension; hyperactive; hyperlink...
fleche-gif-029.gif anti: against: examples: antiwar; antinuclear...
fleche-gif-029.gif de: remove: examples: demotivate; dehydrate; de-ice...
fleche-gif-029.gif post: after: example: postwar; postgraduate...
fleche-gif-029.gif pro: for, in favour of: examples: pro-American; proabortion; prodemocracy...
fleche-gif-029.gif sub: under: examples: subtitle; submarine; subskills...
fleche-gif-029.gif ex: former: examples: ex-president; ex-wife...
fleche-gif-029.gif co:with, together: examples: co-author; coexist...
fleche-gif-029.gif bi: two, twice: examples: bilingual; bilateral; biannual...
fleche-gif-029.gif multi: many: examples: multilingual; multimedia...
fleche-gif-029.gif micro:small: examples: microwave; microscopic...
fleche-gif-029.gif macro: large: examples: macroeconomic;macroscopic...
fleche-gif-029.gif pseudo: false, not real: examples: pseudonym; pseudointellectual...
fleche-gif-029.gif mis: wrongly, badly: examples: misbehave; misunderstand...

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